Me with my eye patched

The Last Trip to Wallwood

In June of 2016, Boy Scout camp at Wallwood ended. I had been shuttled to parent night at camp by another scout parent, just before my eye surgery. I sat on a bench talking with Erica, another scout parent, who is visually impaired. She became my guide into the world of the minimally sighted. Honestly, my having a partially sighted friend during my temporary blindness helped me keep perspective.  She

Jonathan Lyons with an eye patch sword and toucan.

Detour to Eye Surgery

The weekend passed without incident. I was bored nearly to tears, except for the abject fear of impending eye surgery. I spent most of Saturday on the first weekend of June 2016, asleep because of my late visit to the hospital. Sunday, I sat around the house, afraid to overexert, as if my sacrificed time could somehow save my travel plans. Barbara drove me to the doctor’s office on Monday