Avner sleeping on the sofa early May 2017

Sleeping in Today, KLS Haiku #1

Between April 25, 2017 and December of that year, we finally had confirmation of Avner’s diagnosis but very little insight and no effective treatment. I wrote a series of haiku style poems which captured my mood at that time. Here is the first.

Jonathan and his friend Leonard planking.

Seeing Some of the Worst Symptoms of KLS

Avner would become mute and disconnected from everything else around him. On one occasion, he left the Scout House to sit on a bench outside. When our Scoutmaster, Crill and I tried to speak to him, he refused to acknowledge us. I tried to get him into my car at the end of the meeting. Instead, he got up and started walking towards home, only a mile away. I called Barbara from the Scout House to let her know that Avner was walking home. He walked past her which worried us both, but eventually turned around and came inside.